Friday, January 13, 2012

Finally as the tears come streaming down

Tears have started to escape the corners of my eyes as its been a while that I've actually felt like crying but there was not a chance to happen. And now its like a slow paced trickle down its like there had been something held inside me that wishes to be released and comforted. One glitch, I have absolutely no idea what it is I need nor wish to express. I'm a well damn broken person, less of a person more of a little girls doll. sigh.

I miss my old self where I laughed all day long, never lost the smile on my face, rare occasions of anything worth to be sad or depressed about, more happiness, more life, more ME.

Where has she gone and why did she leave my sight? When will she be back to come fetch me for I believe she would never ditch me I'm sure. I need a happy place. A comfort. A hug.

Why am I being so melancholy and dramatic when I'm still young? I have a lifetime to live, to grow, to mature, to enjoy and have fun in!

I guess I'll just wait and see if I'll fall and drown slowly into the depth or float my way back into the bright sky where the clouds will embrace me with memories clutched between us.

On the positive side, tomorrow I'll be going for saturday academy, helping less fortunate children in the slums study. I'll teach them and maybe I'll get called 'Cinta Laura' again by the kids there. hahaha what a way to be remembered!

I love you. I'll love myself I promise.

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