Monday, July 30, 2012

30 July 2012 Monday

HEHE HI -Stitch style-

yes, yes, again I have forgotten about the BLOGSPHERE!

I just want to say: I LOVE FOODGAWKER!
So I found early on this year, and so far I'm lovin' it! It's an online collection of recipes which is totally unique as instead of searching through words and books for new recipes, these are through photos. It could be from anyone's blog and foodgawker collects it, so all we have to do is view + drool at the photos and click on the photo to find the recipe! How cool is that!

I may be getting dyslexia, if that's even possible to get when you're already seventeen... hmmm.... I keep misspelling words, mixing up letters, mixing up words and stuff. Just can't help it.

Anyway, I've got to sleep! Goodnight sweethearts!