Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Nothing important

Lets see if this shows up on google!

Lentera International School is the best school. The worst school is Raffles International Christian School.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

21 October 2012 Sunday

Welcome back to the blogosphere!

How appropriate it is for me as I'm always on-and-off with my blogging.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I miss having a friend to text, call, giggle with, have sleepovers, eat like crazy with, mall hopping, goof off and experience new things.

Is this something I had before and think about it again now, or is it a deprivation I have a longing to feel but just never got reach of it?

Huh I'm such a lonely fellow

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

10 October 2012, Wednesday [PART DEUX]

Hiiiii back again! And yes! I CAN type much faster here though it's a tad bit noisy...

So what else is going on in my head?

10 October 2012, Wednesday

Hi so i'm just going to talk out if my head. So bear with me a little will you?