Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Clock Strikes Midnight

I've got something to laugh about a week from now. Today of all days I've mixed up the date so unusually. In the morning when I made my first blog post of the day, I typed in the date 20th of February (Which is the right date). Then when I checked for the post on my blog, there it was filed under the date 19 February. Well of course, as silly as I get, I believed the electronic gadget's date. What electronic device these days could get the
date wrong often anymore (it could even check the date until 150 years into the future). So I went on the whole day thinking it's the 19th though at the back of my mind something was nagging me on how the day before I've been going around claiming the date of 19th February.

Not until 3.30pm today that I finally asked someone for the date just to check that I was in the right day, and not in some sort of time-machine-esque moment. HAHA I was under the powers of the time-machine!

Things went pretty well in the day with the date for a few hours until I was in the middle of texting a good friend, Arin, when I suddenly felt deep guilt and horrification! I've missed her birthday! After profusely apologizing, she replied me saying that her birthday is still 6 days away, on the 26th of February. That got my gears spinning. I've once again mistaken the date, this time not off by just 1 or 2 days, but by more than a week to the future! I swear I seriously thought the date was the 28th if it wasn't for her. What was funny was that I was out at the mall buying a gift for my little brother whose birthday is this saturday, and I thoroughly knew it was going to be the 23rd.

Silly silly silly me.

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