Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday 20 February 2013


Oh such a lazy day today, currently blogging from my phone right now while I'm on the way to the school premises. Confession time:
I missed a 3-hour English Class this morning due to sleeping in. I admit, it was my own fault for miscalculating the time my alarm should ring. Sigh, tiny mistakes could cost me tons in this life of mine.

Have you ever thought about this fact: If I am happy and do things to make myself happy, then my body would be happy and healthier? I've been thinking about this again lately. Seeing how I'm getting much more sluggish and I see my body is getting unhealthier due to uncontrollable eating, I realized that my theory is correct. If I am happy, I have more energy AND my eating would be more controlled.

Ladadididums, That's all I have to say. How about you? How do you feel? Respond and Comment:) I'll be waiting!

Hugs and Kisses!

1 comment:

  1. 1st comment. I understand you. I feel the same way, I believe happiness is the key to a great lifestyle. Should you keep feeling this way, you should keep writing in your blog. It's good to get everything out of your system. Welcome to the blogger world! Keep up the blog!

    Good Luck and Good Day.
