Sunday, January 15, 2012

Fifteen January 2012 Sunday

I don't have much to say. One point I would love to point out is that Chinese New Year is just a week away and I'm excited! I can't wait to meet with my cousins and my beloved grandmother in Bandung:)

So today I went to church then went with Lula to grab some Starbucks since we're not joining the PDG.
Then my family and I watched the movie Jack and Jill starring Adam Sandler and it was hilarious! I think we all enjoyed it especially that the whole theater erupted with laughter every single time something funny came up!

I also just did an online test to find my personality and the results showed that I'm one that is able to control my emotions. Well that's true. The rest, it's just plain average, its true that it shows my personality but actually I was searching for a test that would help me find my hidden talent as at this current time, I'm absolutely blank on what my talent is. As I watch other people, I'm quite jealous that I'm not good at anything, I fail and humiliate myself constantly. I don't have a strong point and I don't have a talent at all. I hope soon I'd be able to find my talent. Any ideas?

No musical talent, No sports talent, No social skills talent, No photography talent, Not a very great artistic talent (unless drawing hearts and round flowers with five petals count), No scientific talent, No outstanding intelligence, No outstanding mental strength. I'm exhausted just trying to think of areas I might be slightly talented in. Its not helpful that I'm at a low point right now, on the verge of my process to grow up. What shall I do?

Anyway, Goodnight and wishing a great sleep and rest to the whole world. I hope the world would be saved and everyone would find God.


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